Friday 17 March 2017

How Can You Become a Virtual Reality Developer?

After the euphoria of an internet and mobile apps is over, the next big thing on the platter is virtual reality. Although it has been in the picture for a couple of decades now, the world is gradually shifting its focus more towards virtual reality. In such a scenario, a career as a virtual reality developer is not only a promising but a rewarding one as well. There is no dearth of jobs for good virtual reality developers in a virtual reality development company in India and other parts of the world.

VR is in demand:

Virtual reality is being used in so many fields these days. Of all the fields where virtual reality is being used, real estate is one of the most prominent ones. Who would not want to take the opportunity to visit a dozen properties sitting on the same chair? Apart from real estate, virtual reality also finds its real-world application in education programs, gaming programs and several marketing campaigns.

Becoming virtual reality developers is much easier than getting a degree from Harvard or Massachusetts. The most important thing that you would need is the urge to come up with new thoughts and ideas and chase those ideas relentlessly till the time they are executed.

Requirements for becoming a VR developer:

You would also need to know about the fundamentals of 3D rendering and a bit of coding in a common programming language like JavaScript or C#. In case you do not know the programming language, you can get yourself enrolled in any of the courses which are offered by the IT institutions and colleges. Talking of 3D graphics, you would need to know the working principles of 3D geometry, rendering 3D objects and other things. Again, if you are not too savvy with 3D graphics, there are many online courses as well as classroom programs that will teach you 3D graphics in details.

Once you have acquired the requisite knowledge, it is now the time to develop a VR content. Try with small things, and take the feedback from your users. Once you have gained some confidence on the subject, try applying for an apprenticeship at a virtual reality development company in India or wherever you live and work on a live project to get the complete hold on development of virtual reality.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

3 Ways in Which Virtual Tours are Changing the Face of the Real Estate Business in India

The world is going digital, with every passing minute technology is taking leaps into the future. We are always trying to find better ways of doing the things we do and invent newer and exciting ways of enhancing everyday activities.

In the recent years, virtual reality and technology surrounding it have become accessible to the consumers. We have embraced this amazing technology and the experiences it offers. This revolutionary tech is not just limited to the entertainment sector and has found applications in orthodox segments like real estate. In fact, the real estate sector has started utilizing virtual reality as a marketing tool enabling them to spearhead their marketing strategy to target the tech savvy audiences of today.

The most amazing way real estate in India is using virtual reality based tech is by creating virtual tours of the property they want to showcase. They take the help of a virtual reality development company based in India to create virtual tours and this trend has changed the real estate sector in three major ways.

Enhancing Experiences

A virtual tour developed by one of the best virtual reality company in India, helps in delivering unparalleled experiences. The virtual tour of a property for sale is something very new to the customers and hence it makes the overall experience better in so many ways.

Turning a new leaf

The market is experiencing a revolutionary trend of technology and marketing coming together to offer something extraordinary. Most real estate projects are nowadays working closely with a virtual reality development company in India and create breathtaking tours for their clients to enjoy and thus increase sales channels across various platforms.

Attracting Customers

Adding virtual reality tours that are designed to give details of the property and put things into perspective has helped sellers to attract more customers. The reason is simple; customers are always looking for something more without having to waste time traveling. Virtual reality tours help a company to offer more to their audiences and attract more sales.